Thursday, March 09, 2006


Boritom is coming up fast on our 300th strip next week. It's amazing to me that I've been able to keep up with this for so long. Even if 300 strips is no big deal to most webcomics that are up to their 3,000th strip, this is a significant milestone for me personally. I feel like this is only the beginning, though, because it does take so much time to build a readership. Here's hoping I'll be able to vastly expand my fan base by the time I hit 500 strips (about a year and a half from now, at 3 strips a week).

In the meantime, the Funeral storyline, "Good Mourning America," officially wraps tomorrow morning as we (finally) move away from Griselda's gravesite. The new storyline's title has yet to be decided, but I will come up with something decidedly goofy and conspiratorial as we greet the return of
The French/Canadian Illuminati


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